Installation, Usage & Releases

Current Version 3.2.0

Before you can install the styleguide from one of the sources below, you will need to get your Gemfury token from here.
It's important to try and keep these tokens OUT of the documentation but is permissable to have them in the private git repositories.


After commiting, code reviewing, and getting approval of your changes, from the application root run the following:

$: rake release:all

The CLI tool will ask you your version number (stored in lib/VERSION) and automates the process of packaging for NPM, RubyGems, and the S3 file. It will automatically upload these to Gemfury (will ask you for your credentials if you haven't used the gemfury CLI client before)


Be sure to swap out your Gemfury token in the string below.

$: gem install es-styleguide-rails --source

Additionally, you can add the following source to your Gemfile

ruby '2.3.2'
source ''

gem 'es-styleguide-rails', require 'styleguide'

To utilize the extended functionality in the Ruby app, be sure to have the require statement in your bundler directive for requiring. This will load the engine files, routes, helpers, asset pipleline, etc.

Use at your own risk.


Be sure to swap out your Gemfury token in the string below.

$: npm install @edsurge/es-styleguide --registry


Be sure to swap out your Gemfury token in the string below.

$: yarn add @edsurge/es-styleguide --registry