
Default Font Sizes

In general, the following practices and guidelines should be followed:

  • Large screens: Base is 16px with paragraphs set at 1rem (16px)
    Small screens: Base is 16px with paragraphs set at 1rem (16px)
  • Globally adjusting font sizes for paragraphs in article scope and non-article scope can be done by modifying the variable maps below:
    $p-font-sizes: (
    null : ($base-font-size, $base-line-height),
    small : (($mobile-font-size - 4px), $mobile-line-height),
    large : ($base-font-size, $base-line-height)

Font Weights

Three different font weights regular (font-weight: 400), medium (font-weight: 500), and bold (font-weight: 700).

As with most other things, these come with the {size}- variants.

Font Size Helpers

Helper classes for common font sizes/line-heights used in designs

classDesktop ( > large break)Mobile
.fs-xxlarge2.25rem (36px)1.21.4rem1.2
.fs-xlarge1.75rem (28)px1.21.25rem1.2
.fs-large1.3125rem (21px)1.41.125rem1.4
.fs-medium1.125rem (18px)1.41rem1.5
.fs-regular1rem (16px)1.50.875rem1.25
.fs-small0.875rem (14px)1.40.875rem (14px)1.5
.fs-xsmall0.75rem (12px)1.50.75rem1.5
.fs-xxsmall0.6875rem (11px)1.50.6875rem1.5
.fs-tiny0.625rem (10px)1.50.625rem1.5
.fs-xtiny0.5625rem (9px)1.50.5625rem1.5


This is an H1

This is an H2

This is an H3

This is an h4 This is a link in an h tag

This is an h5
This is an h6
$h1-font-sizes: (
  null  : (3.15rem, 1.2),
  small : (2rem, 1.2),
  large : (3.15rem, 1.2)

$h2-font-sizes: (
  null  : (2.37rem, 1.2),
  small : (1.5rem, 1.2),
  large : (2.37rem, 1.2)

$h3-font-sizes: (
  null  : (1.77rem, 1.4),
  small : (1.15rem, 1.4),
  large : (1.77rem, 1.4)

$h4-font-sizes: (
  null  : (1.33rem, 1.4),
  small : (.9rem, 1.4),
  large : (1.33rem, 1.4)

$h5-font-sizes: (
  null  : (1rem, 1.4),
  small : (.75rem, 1.4),
  large : (.75rem, 1.4)

$h6-font-sizes: (
  null  : (.8rem, 1.4),
  small : (.56rem, 1.4),
  large : (.56rem, 1.4)

Utility classes

These also come in the {size}- variants.



To see our typefaces and their usage guidelines, head here.


Hi! I'm a <p> tag. I should be used with Montserrat under most contexts, unless you're doing an article page. On articles, I should be PT Serif.
Bacon ipsum dolor amet porchetta turkey filet mignon salami biltong. Shank pork chop jowl turkey, t-bone strip steak alcatra brisket sirloin flank swine. Ham hock rump doner venison beef ribs short ribs meatloaf. Boudin chuck spare ribs kielbasa tri-tip pork loin jerky swine turducken flank.

It's still me, the <p> tag, but this time as I should look on an article page. Aren't I easy to read?
Bacon ipsum dolor amet porchetta turkey filet mignon salami biltong. Shank pork chop jowl turkey, t-bone strip steak alcatra brisket sirloin flank swine. Ham hock rump doner venison beef ribs short ribs meatloaf. Boudin chuck spare ribs kielbasa tri-tip pork loin jerky swine turducken flank.


Hello there!  I'm your friend the <pre> tag.  I should be displayed with a monospace font.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet porchetta turkey filet mignon salami biltong. Shank pork chop jowl turkey, t-bone strip steak alcatra brisket sirloin flank swine. Ham hock rump doner venison beef ribs short ribs meatloaf. Boudin chuck spare ribs kielbasa tri-tip pork loin jerky swine turducken flank.


Konichiwa! I'm a <quote> tag. My fontface is TBD (TKTK) so someone should be filling me out shortly.

Bacon ipsum dolor amet porchetta turkey filet mignon salami biltong. Shank pork chop jowl turkey, t-bone strip steak alcatra brisket sirloin flank swine. Ham hock rump doner venison beef ribs short ribs meatloaf. Boudin chuck spare ribs kielbasa tri-tip pork loin jerky swine turducken flank.